NEW RELEASE! Catwoman: Soulstealer

Hey booklovers! I have to share this new release because of the often dreamed about collaboration. Not only is this book a part of the DC Icons Series, it's also written by the highly read Sarah J. Maas. I know fans of this writer will be super excited to read more of her work as … Continue reading NEW RELEASE! Catwoman: Soulstealer

Monday Mood #5

Synopsis: At fifteen, Casey Legler is already one of the fastest swimmers in the world. She is also an alcoholic, isolated from her family, and incapable of forming lasting connections with those around her. Driven to compete at the highest levels, sent far away from home to train with the best coaches and teams, she finds herself increasingly alone and alienated, living a life of cheap hotels and chlorine-worn skin, anonymous sexual encounters and escalating drug use. Even at what should be a moment of triumph—competing at age sixteen in the 1996 Olympics—she is an outsider looking in, procuring drugs for Olympians she hardly knows, and losing her race after setting a new world record in the qualifying heats.

Reading Week: Day 7

Welcome to Day 7 of my very first Reading Week! In celebration of London Pride I've been recommending the best LGBTQ+ books I can find. It's a great way to show your support, especially if you can't make it to a pride march.  So far we've looked at some great must-read new releases, so today I'll be showing some of the most anticipated releases of 2018. All these books sound great and I can't wait to read them!